Instant Job Alerts for Frontline Education Absence Management®
Receive Job Alerts Via App, Text, Phone Call, Desktop Alert, Or Email
Book Jobs From Your Phone, Even Without A Smartphone Or Data Plan
$4.95/month or $49/year For App Alerts, Desktop Alerts, & Email Alerts
$6.95/month or $69/year For Phone Call, Text, App, Desktop, & Email Alerts
21-Day Free Trial
Alerts & Job Booking
Via iOS & Android Apps
Alerts & Job Booking
Via Text Message
Alerts & Job Booking
Via Phone Call
Alerts & Job Booking
Via Desktop Alert
Officially Approved

We're proud to report that SubAlert is approved by Frontline Education™ for use with their Absence Management feature!

How It Works
Sign Up
Create a SubAlert account, and verify your email address.
Tell Us What Districts To Check
You'll tell us what districts to check, and give us your username & password or PIN for each one (rest assured that we will store this information securely and that it won't be misused in any way). Also, you can set detailed filters so that you are only alerted for jobs you want.
Download the App, Or Give Us Another Contact Method
Download our app for iPhone/iPad, Android, or Kindle Fire. If you don't have a smartphone, or just prefer/need other contact methods, no problem! You can also give us a phone number at which to call or text you, enable email alerts, or enable desktop alerts.
Sit Back And Relax
Our servers will log into your account automatically and check for new jobs every 60 seconds.
Receive Notifications & Book Jobs!
When a new job that meets your filters becomes available, we'll give you an app notification, text message, phone call, desktop alert, and/or email with all the job information. App notifications, texts, desktop alerts and emails all contain a link or button you can click to book the job, and for phone call alerts you can press "1" when prompted to book the job.
Review Your Scheduled Jobs
You can view all jobs you've booked through us, or any other job you've booked for that matter, right from the app any time you wish. You'll also be able to view jobs you've booked through us in your list of Scheduled Jobs on the Frontline Education Absence Management website or telephone interface, just as you always have. We can also automatically sync your Scheduled Jobs to your device's calendar or to Google Calendar if you like!

Officially Approved
SubAlert is approved by Frontline Education™ for use with their Absence Management feature!
All Internet communication is encrypted with SSL, and all sensitive data is stored in an encrypted format.
No Spam, Ever
We will never send you spam or annoying newsletters.
Fast, Personal Customer Support
We're here to help any time you need it.